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Excerpts from Gov. Kate Brown’s 2016 “State of the State” Speech

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Together with my newly formed Small Business Advisory Cabinet, we will work with government agencies to provide troubleshooting and customer service to our small businesses…

Just what small businesses need – a new bureaucracy!

…global climate change is the major threat to our quality of life…

Folks in Brussels, Paris and San Bernardino might disagree with you.

Leadership from Speaker Kotex and the Legislature provided additional tools…to remove barriers to creating affordable housing statewide…

Ever think of advocating expansion of Urban Growth Boundaries to increase housing supplies and decrease prices?

Best of all…I approved the nation’s first “coal to clean” law that gives Oregon a vision for a future free of coal-powered electricity…

You mean you kicked the can down the road so some future politico will be stuck with it. Nice.

The key to continuing to grow the economy…is Oregon’s small businesses…

Right, Kate – and a trainload of new regulations is just the ticket here.

I will continue to champion much-needed seismic upgrades…[and] develop …a transportation package…

These investments will support the strong business sector Oregon needs…

Kate: What’s the difference between “investments” and “spending”?

…this too was a watershed year for Oregon, with several first-in-the-nation achievements of our own:

Our Three-tiered minimum wage increase…Oregon Motor Voter…

OK, so you’ve raised the price of labor and registered a slew of Democrat voters.

Now – Kate’s crowning achievement…

Oregon now allows pharmacies to dispense birth control pills without a prescription…

Kate, you’re a governor for the ages.


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