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Golden Fleece Award – Issue 58

Thursday, February 20, 2014


For the fist time ever Lane Solutions presents a Future Golden Fleece Award! Not a cent has yet been spent by Uncle Sugar, but we’re confident that he will blow billion of your bucks on this ingenious project.

The Pres has announced that he’s building seven “climate hubs,” including one in Corvallis, that are going to teach his rural serfs how to survive water shortages, forest fires, pests, (except government types after your money) floods and more. That’s right – he’s going to stop the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse right in their tracks!

And he’s going to work his magic in seven states. Is it just a coincidence that his Senate buddies are in reelection trouble in some of them?

The D.C. wizards claim that the 2011-13 drought cost the economy $50 Billion. We wonder what this bit of idiocy will cost?


2 responses to “Golden Fleece Award – Issue 58”

  1. Matt says:

    Shouldn’t we be taking climate change seriously? or are you suggesting it’s a fictional risk?

    “Risk and supply chains were woven tightly throughout the conversation at the Climate Leadership Conference last week in San Diego. It brought together leaders across public and private sectors — from business to government to utilities — to explore the latest science, projections and opportunities presented by increasing climatological changes.

    This is hardly the only recent event to cover this ground. The 2014 World Economic Forum called climate change an “economically disruptive force,” and climate-related risks are rising on the agenda of global companies in the past years — for good reason.” from GreenBiz

  2. Matt says:

    The risks to the PNW shellfish industry are real and happening now. Know anyone who relies on shellfish for their livlihood? “Carbon dioxide from fossil-fuel emissions had turned seawater in Willapa Bay along Washington’s coast so lethal that slippery young Pacific oysters stopped growing. The same corrosive ocean water got sucked into an Oregon hatchery and routinely killed larvae the family bought as oyster seed.” Some may scoff, but unfortunately one’s political leanings do not influence the reality that climate change brings risks to our local economy.