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A Tip of Our Hat – Issue 141

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Not often do we tip our hat to Guv Kate, but today we do. We applaud her for putting in place a hiring freeze. Yes, we know – it’s only for two months and it doesn’t include the Secretary of State, Treasurer, Dept. of Justice or Bureau of Labor and Industries. And we know it’s accompanied by cynical threats of hungry, sick children if we don’t raise taxes. But it’s something. And for that we tip to her.


A Tip of Our Hat – Issue 140

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Today we tip our hat big time to Democrat Oregon Rep. David Gromberg, who’s trying to put the “Emergency” back in “Emergency Bill.”

For years legislators have labeled bills as frivolous as declaring “Cherry Blossom Day” an “Emergency”, which puts them into effect immediately and prevents opponents from referring them to voters.

Rep. Gromberg, going against the grain of his party, wants to stop that with his House Joint Resolution 9, which would discourage tagging non-essential bills with the “Emergency” label.

David – You’re a standup guy!


A Tip of Our Hat – Issue 139

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Today we tip our hats to every Rosy The Riveter, whether she’s living or passed into The Great Adventure.

These women – millions of them – stepped up during World War II to do the jobs of men fighting the war. They toiled as ambulance and truck drivers, riveters, welders, munitions plant laborers and farmers.

At last they have their own national day of recognition – March 21. There aren’t many of them left to celebrate, so when you meet one, join us in thanking her.

Many, if not most of these gals, were in their teens when they took on heavy and often dangerous work. And we’d bet our houses not one of them ever asked for a “trigger warning” or a “safe space.”


A Tip Of Our Hat – Issue 138

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Today we give a big tip of our hat to one of our favorite people – Faye Stewart, who recently resigned after 13 years as a Lane County Commissioner.

Faye has been a champion for, among many fine causes, public safety and the timber industry. Plus, he’s a good guy. Your editors know this because they’ve worked with him.

The Register Guard said it best: “After 13 years on the Lane County Board of Commissioners, Stewart is the same unassuming, modest and thoughtful person he was when he was first elected.”

Faye – A big “Thank You” from all of us to you.


South Lane School District Tapped For 7th Annual AP District Honor Roll

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Let’s all tip our hats to South Lane School District (Cottage Grove) for earning a spot on the College Board’s Advanced Placement District Honor Role.

This district improved both the quantity and quality of students in its AP programs, which is why it was 1 of 433 districts out of a total of 29,500 in the U.S. and Canada to earn this honor.


A Tip Of Our Hat – Issue 133

Thursday, January 26, 2017

EWEB took a lot of heat over their response to the recent ice storm, which they describe as the worst since 1962’s Columbus Day Storm.

But today we tip our hat to them. Because instead of hiding from their customers, EWEB held an open house to hear people tell their stories, air their gripes and pass along compliments. Way to go, EWEB!


A Tip of Our Hat – Issue 132

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Today we tip our hat to 2 of the good guys in Oregon politics – State Sen. Tim Knopp, R-Central Oregon, and State Rep. Knute Buehler, R-Bend, who today announced they are declining the 2.75% salary increase mandated by Guv Kate.

“Establishment politicians have said Oregon has a budget crisis. If that’s true then the governor and legislators need to lead by example and not add to the problem,” said Knopp.

Thanks, guys – and keep up the good work!
