Facts That Make You Cringe! – Issue 141
Liberals passed the Dodd-Frank Act to rein in the big banks they hate. At 2,300 pages plus 22,000 pages of rules, the huge cost of compliance forced more than 1,700 small banks to sell to or merge with big banks that could afford to comply.
So, thanks to bank-loathing liberals, the banks they wanted to cut down to size got even bigger!
It’s A Nice Gig – Working For Oregon, That Is
On average, when worker characteristics & job attributes are controlled for, public sector pay throughout America is about 6% higher than private sector wages.
Facts That Make You Cringe – Issue 139
A 2014 Heritage Foundation analysis marking the 50th anniversary of the War on Poverty calculated that “today, government spends 16 times more, adjusting for inflation, on means-tested welfare or anti-poverty programs than it did when the War on Poverty started. But as welfare spending soared, the decline in poverty came to a grinding halt.”
– Jason Riley, Sr. Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, writing in The Wall Street Journal
Facts That Make You Cringe – Issue 138
Illinois, possibly America’s Capital of Corruption, employs 875 in its Attorney General’s Dept. New York – 1,675. Oregon’s Dept. of Justice, despite Oregon having 20% and 30%, respectively, of these states’ populations, employs about 1200 at a cost of $74 million.
Facts That Make You Cringe – Issue 137
According to New York Federal Reserve Bank researchers, every dollar of increased college student aid results in a 60 cent increase in tuition.
- American Enterprise Institute’s Richard Vedder, writing in The Wall Street Journal
Facts That Make You Cringe – Issue 136
According to The Wall Street Journal, the 1.6% economic growth reported for 2016 was the worst since 2011. What’s more (and worse), it was the 11th year running that growth clocked in lower than 3%.
Only Government Bureaucrats Could Hatch This Turkey
The “Volker Rule,” named for ex Fed Chair Paul Volker, was designed to shut down high risk trading at taxpayer insured banks.
How many pages does it take to do this? A mind-numbing 950. And did we mention there are 2,800 footnotes? Only in government…
Facts That Make You Cringe – Issue 134
According to former U.S Treasury Dept. officials Carter & Christian, America’s marginal corporate tax rate is 14 points higher than the average rate in the 34 countries comprising the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Add to that the U.S.’s taxing of repatriated foreign profits and it becomes obvious why American companies want to relocate abroad.
Editors’ Note: Unless you subscribe to The Wall Street Journal you may be unable to open the above link.
Facts That Make You Cringe – Issue 133
According to EWEB General Manager Frank Lawson, on a typical day EWEB gets 300-400 calls. During 4 days of the recent ice storm they racked up 70,000!
Facts That Make You Cringe – Issue 132
According to Joseph Rago, writing in The Wall Street Journal, “The post-1964 poverty industrial complex has grown to some 13 federal agencies that run more than 80 programs meant to aid low-income Americans, spending about $744 billion in 2016.”
According to Dave Boyer, writing in The Washington Times, “The poverty rate has stood at 15 percent for three consecutive years, the first time that has happened since the mid-1960s. The poverty rate in 1965 was 17.3 percent; it was 12.5 percent in 2007, before the Great Recession.”