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When Scorching $248 Million Just Isn’t Enough

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Health Care for All Oregon Act Being Considered by Legislators

– Cascade Business News

Legislators in Oregon…are considering bills that would provide every resident with comprehensive health care. In Oregon, [Democrat] Senator Laurie Monnes Anderson, chair of the Health Care Committee of the Oregon Senate, has scheduled a hearing for a bill titled the Health Care for All Oregon Act…

This bill, SB 631, outlines a plan to provide publicly funded universal health care for all Oregon residents…

Oregon’s SB 631 suggests a progressive employer payroll assessment supplemented by a progressive tax on some types of income, but in each state, the exact financing method and the amount of money to be collected are not specified

We Respond & Your Comments

“The burnt fool’s bandaged finger goes wobbling back to the fire.” So wrote poet Rudyard Kipling about our inability to learn from experience.

Can our Salem savants learn nothing from blowing $248 million on Cover Oregon, which didn’t register one Oregonian on the website?

Don’t these braniacs know that Obamacare is a train wreck gaining steam? That Obamacare families are paying outrageous deductibles for policies they neither need nor want? That liberal nirvana Vermont bailed out of the state’s “Green Mountain Care” precisely because of the unbearable taxes the plan demanded? We could go on, but you get the idea.

Wouldn’t you think Sen. Anderson and her merry band of liberals would wait to see how some “universal health care” plans under discussion in 17 other states work out?

No, they won’t. Because it’s not their money and all that matters to them is that they look like they want to do nice things. And they don’t care that the fire that burned them last time has only gotten hotter.


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