Praise Ye The Dollar! Amen and Hallelujah!
In just one year the Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funneled $60 million of your dollars to The Rev. Richard Hamlet’s Global Ministries Foundation, owners of the
Goodwill Village and Warren Apartments in Memphis, TN.
The problem: This public housing, built for low income families, housed more rats, mice and roaches, not to mention bare wires and broken toilets, than people.
Why didn’t HUD inspectors scope this out? They didn’t bother. Why didn’t Tennessee inspectors uncover this nightmare? HUD wouldn’t let them inspect. So, according to Sen. Jeff Flake’s (R-AZ) Wastebook, it continued until local media smoked it out.
And Rev. Hamlet’s salary? $485,000. Praise ye the Dollar!
For this waste of money you worked for, HUD earns this week’s coveted Golden Fleece Award.