When You Put Money in Front of Politicians
Sen. Wyden says borrowing from fire prevention fund needs to end
– kval.com
EUGENE, Ore. – Congress is back in session in September and Senator Wyden is already pushing some new proposals for consideration.
Wyden, along with several other senators, doesn’t want to tap into the forest service budget anymore. The budget is intended for things like fire prevention efforts and forest management. But due to the limited firefighting funds, the state is forced to borrow money from this agency instead.
For the first time ever, the agency has spent more than half of its budget for the year on fire fighting…
“Prevention always gets shortchanged…
We Respond & Your Comments
Kudos to Sen. Wyden for reminding legislators that for them to take money entrusted to them for Purpose A and use it for Purpose B is a breach of trust.
With this in mind we turn to Oregon legislators’ decision to create a 401-K type retirement plan for Oregonians who don’t have one at work. And, of course, they’re glad to “manage” the money pouring in from workers’ earnings to fund it.
How long will it be before they start “borrowing” (looting?) this fund to pay for something else? Probably something to promote “fairness” or that’s “for the children”?
Just like Feds who looted the fire prevention fund for firefighting, our Salem pals will be oh-so-tempted to loot the retirement fund for their pet projects.
What happens when you put money in front of politicians and ask them not to spend it today but wait to spend it for its intended purpose? Exactly what happens when you put a pound of hamburger in front of your dog and ask him not to eat it till tomorrow.