It Only Costs $8,333,333.33 to Train a Solder? Such a Deal!
Thursday, October 8, 2015
For our 100th issue we present a Platinum Golden Fleece Award, complete with gold and silver brocade, to our very own Dept. of Defense (DOD).
According to Army General Lloyd Austin, head of U.S. Central Command, our DOD spent $500,000,000 – dollars that you earned – to train 50-60 Syrian soldiers, only 9 of whom are still in the field.
That pencils out to a cool $8,333,333.33 per soldier trained. Our question: For that kind of money couldn’t we have just bought the whole darn Syrian army and paid them to fight for us?
We love and respect our military. But hey, guys, this boondoggle really isn’t up to your high standards.