Milwaukie approves $15 minimum wage for city workers
MILWAUKIE, Ore. (KOIN) — The Milwaukie City Council unanimously voted to raise the minimum wage to $15 for all city workers on Tuesday night.
Earlier in the day, Mayor Mark Gamba said he hoped the city council would pass the resolution.
“We have to have a society where if you work full time you can live, you’re not in poverty,” Mayor Gamba said…
We Respond & Your Comments
We’re not going to rehash facts about how raising the price of labor depresses demand for it. And about how raising the minimum wage hurts the very people progressives say they’re trying to help.
Today we just want to congratulate Mayor Gamba and his City Council for their unmatched generosity. We can’t say enough about their concern for their workers and their desire to help the less fortunate.
Oh, we forgot…these do-gooders aren’t doing good with their own money. They’re doing good with money they confiscated from the Milwaukie residents who earned it!
As the old saying goes, “There just ain’t no end to the good you can do with other people’s money.”