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What Happened to President Obama’s “Recovery Summer”?

Thursday, May 14, 2015

FactsThatMakeYouCringe_LargePresident Barack Obama labeled summer, 2010 the “Recovery Summer.” Let’s look at the facts:

  • From 1948 through 2014, even including the recent recession, America’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew at an average of 3.24% per year;
  • Since the much hyped “Recovery Summer” it’s grown at an average 2.1%;
  • During the same period first quarter growth has been an anemic average .6%;
  • During the first quarter of this year GDP growth has been an atrocious.2%.

How’s that “Recovery” working out for you?


How’s This for Fair?

Thursday, April 30, 2015


Liberals constantly whine that “the rich” don’t pay their “Fair Share” of income taxes.

But in fact, the top 20% of taxpayers earn 51.3% of American income. Yet they pay 83.9% of federal income taxes. The bottom 20%? They earn 4.5% of American income and pay just negative 2.2% of taxes, thanks to the Earned Income Tax Credit, which takes money from tax payers and gives it to them.

Fair enough?

Editors’ note: Facts are to liberals as garlic is to a vampire.


Is This a Sweet Deal or What?

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Let’s say you’re a sugar processor in 2013. First you take out a loan backed by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture (USDA). You pledge your sugar as collateral. Next you default on your loan.

Thanks to The USDA’s Feedstock Flexibility Program Uncle Sam takes your sugar, credits you with a high price and sells it to ethanol producers at a price discounted by up to 90%.

The cost of this sweet boondoggle? About $280 million of your dollars in 2013.

How sweet is that?


Facts that Make You Cringe – Issue 87

Thursday, April 2, 2015

FactsThatMakeYouCringe_LargeA recent watchdog review found that at least 6.5 million active Social Security numbers belong to people who are at least 112 years old and likely deceased.

But only 35 known living individuals worldwide had reached that age as of October 2013, according to the Gerontology Research Group. Read More Here >>>


Wanna Loan a Kid a few Bucks for College?

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

FactsThatMakeYouCringe_LargeBuried in the White House budget is a charge of $21.6 billion to write down outstanding student loans.

Several million grateful Millennials join together to say “Thanks, Mr. & Mrs. Taxpayer. We couldn’t have done it without you!”


Why the IRS Can’t Afford to Answer Your Calls for Help

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Soon after the Internal Revenue Service announced that, thanks to budget cuts, it wouldn’t be able to answer its helpline, the House Ways & Means Committee found that this ship of fools had awarded a $4.46 million contract to CGI Federal.

In case you’ve forgotten, CGI was the contractor behind the failed Obamacare website.

As Rudyard Kipling long ago noted, “The burnt fool’s bandaged finger goes wobbling back to the fire.”



Facts That Make You Cringe – Issue 82

Thursday, January 22, 2015


Section 4205 of the Affordable Care Act mandates calorie counts on menus for any restaurant with 20 or more locations.

But two studies of restaurants in New York City that tried it found that “…some diners consume more calories when they encounter nutritional information.”

Think this will stop the Calorie Police? Don’t bet your knife, fork or spoon on it!

– The Competitive Enterprise Institute



Facts That Make You Cringe – Issue 81

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

FactsThatMakeYouCringe_LargeAccording to the Wall Street Journal, since 2001 colleges and universities have hired 50% more administrators than instructors.

And you ask why tuition keeps going up and instruction time down?

