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Real Lives are Being Affected—A Personal Story on Cover Oregon’s Impact

Monday, May 12, 2014

Editors’ Note: We receive lots of responses to Lane Solutions articles and opinions. Because we’ve been so concerned with the unintended consequences of Cover Oregon we were particularly touched by the story below. It’s from “Angie,” a Lane County resident who experienced firsthand the effects of this $248 Million disaster.

My brother is living with me and he is on SSI and also receives Medicare.  He called the 1-800 number to see about getting help with supplementary insurance due to his health and income.

I wanted someone to know that whoever is answering the phones needs to be a little more considerate of the elderly that are calling.  The guy that my brother talked to was very rude and told him he was not going to take him off of Medicare in order for him to get free health care and hung up on him.  My brother was very upset.  My brother was not looking for a handout and was not asking to be taken off Medicare.

I would like you to pass along this information to whoever takes charge of the employees answering the phones.

If you would like to talk to my brother his name is “John” and his phone number is (withheld).

I just thought maybe someone should know about this incident.

Lane Solutions responds: “Angie” – Now a lot of people know about your predicament. And like them, our hearts go out to you and your brother.

If any of our readers have ideas that could help Angie and her brother, please email Lane Solutions at [email protected]


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