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Kitzhaber, Richardson disagree on performance reviews

Thursday, October 30, 2014

 – Hannah Hoffman, Statesman Journal

Gov. John Kitzhaber and his Republican opponent Dennis Richardson disagree a lot…

They differ a great deal in what kind of managers they plan to be.

Our Executive Editor, Michael Davis, asked both of the candidates whether they think each state employee should receive an annual performance review…

Richardson answered Davis’s question pretty clearly. Yes, he said, every employee deserves an annual performance review.

Kitzhaber gave an answer that seemed less clear.

“I think that would be very impractical,” he said, noting that the state has about 35,000 employees. However, he then went on to say that everyone does need be held accountable for their performance, but he did not seem to think reviews were necessarily the mechanism for this.

Our Response and Your Comments

Hey, Guv. Kitz – How about if we give you a performance review?

Us: Oregon has lots going for it: natural resources, good universities, educated workers, a natural harbor and a whole lot more.

Guv Kitz: Yup.

Us: After you’ve had 12 years as Governor, why are we 6th among states in unemployment, 6th highest in gas prices, 4th in childhood hunger and 3rd in homelessness?


Guv Kitz: Give me four more years and I’ll fix all that stuff.


Us: Is it true that you scorched half a billion bucks on Cover Oregon and the Columbia River Crossing and have nothing to show for it?


Guv Kitz (scratching head): Maybe. But give me four more years and I won’t do it again.


Us: Do you represent the State well when Oregon’s “First Lady” isn’t your wife, has an office in your office suite, “consults” for clients who have business interests with the State, and is awarded a no bid contract with the Oregon Dept. of Energy that cost Oregon a million dollar settlement?


Guv Kitz: Is this part of your War on Women?.


Us:  Thanks, Guv – You’ve reviewed your performance for us. And for the voters.


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