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Shrimp, Cougars, and Now… Monkeys on Treadmills!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

GoldenFleeceWhat is it about animals on treadmills? First the “public servants” at the National Science Foundation scorched $500,000 putting shrimp on them. Then these geniuses blew $856,000 teaching cougars to run on them.

Now the National Institutes of Health (NIH), winners of several Golden Fleece Awards, snags another one for tossing a whopping $8 million at the Southwest National Primate Research Center in San Antonio for introducing 12 monkeys to treadmills.

Here’s the kicker: the San Antonio Center spent $30,000 paying federal fines for abusing the monkeys! We wish they’d just abused the NIH idiots for abusing us taxpayers!


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