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SBE Council Ranks the 50 States in “Small Business Policy Index 2016”…

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

– SBE Council

… the Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council (SBE Council) released its 20th “Small Business Policy Index 2016: Ranking the States on Policy Measures and Costs Impacting Entrepreneurship and Small Business Growth.” The Index… ranks the 50 states according to 50 different policy measures, including a wide array of tax, regulatory and government spending and performance measurements.

The states that are most policy-friendly to entrepreneurs…are: 1) Nevada, 2) Texas, 3) South Dakota, 4) Wyoming, 5) Florida, 6) Washington…

In contrast, the policy environments that need the most work are: 40) Maryland, 41) Maine, 42) Iowa, 43) Oregon…

Raymond J. Keating, SBE Council’s chief economist and author of the study, noted… “…make no mistake, tax, regulatory, government spending and other governmental performance and cost measures…have real impacts not only on entrepreneurship, investment, small businesses and their workers, but naturally therefore, on the overall economy of each state.”…

We Respond & Your Comments

Oregon – A state with abundant natural resources, harbors, a navigable river emptying into the Pacific, good highways, international and regional airports, drop dead scenery and high quality of life. It should be a business mecca.

But it’s not. What went wrong? As the SBE Council makes clear, high taxes and heavy regulation are business killers.

Add to taxes and regulation the 4th highest minimum wage in the U.S. Then pile on a corporate gross receipts tax for companies with Oregon sales of $25 million or more (IP 28). Now you see how 30 plus years of tax and spend one party governance has taken what should be the number one state in just about any category and turned it into the #43 state for small businesses and entrepreneurs.


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